Our goal is to make searching as transparent as possible. That's why prices shown on Skyscanner always include an estimate of all charges that must be paid. When you're transferred to the hotel provider's site to complete your booking, all details will be updated and displayed. It's worth keeping in mind that the final price you pay for your hotel may change because of additional options (e.g., room type, breakfast, and refund conditions) offered by the hotel provider.
Hotel providers will offer a free payment option (usually it's the most popular payment card in your country) but might charge fees for other payment methods. Because there's at least one option to avoid fees for other payment types, we don't include them in our prices.
If you still think you've been overcharged, we recommend you contact the hotel provider you booked with. Skyscanner doesn't have any access to your booking information, so the provider is best placed to help investigate.
We've put together this handy list to help you to get in touch with the travel provider you booked with.